Saturday, July 05, 2014

The Asylum

[7/5/14] It must have been the catchy title, but I found myself watching the movie Asteroid vs. Earth on Netflix (also available on Blu-ray).  It starred Tia Carrere.  And Tim Russ (Tuvok of Star Trek) was one of the co-stars.  It was just bad enough to be sort of fun (so far).

It turns out that the studio responsible for this movie is The Asylum, which specializes in mockbusters.  That is movies which capitalize on the popularity of current hit movies (so the unsuspecting public might confuse them and actually watch the wrong movie).

They're the studio responsible such titles as Transmorphers (not to be confused with Transformers), Atlantic Rim (not be confused with Pacific Rim), Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (not to be confused with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter), The Da Vinci Treasure (I think you get the idea).

Some of their work is currently on Netflix.  Such as 2-Headed Shark Attack, American Warships (renamed from American Battleship not to be confused with Battleship), Clash of the Empires (renamed from Age of the Hobbits not to be confused with The Hobbit), Sharknado, Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark.  Atlantic Rim is currently on hulu.

*** [8/4/14]

Sharknado 2 tops Twitter TV ratings

Sharknado 2 coming to the big screen (for one night only)

Even Cramer gets in the act with Chartnado 2

*** 6/12/17

The Asylum is now a channel on Pluto TV

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