Sunday, June 24, 2007

Brainwashing Kids In Religion

The late mathematician-philosopher Bertrand Russell said if he claimed a teapot too small to be seen by any telescope orbited between the Sun and the Earth, we’d call him crazy. But if you’d been told about it since you were a child starting school, you’d say “So what’s new? Everybody knows about the teapot.”

Critical thinkers are taught never to question faith. It’s impolite to ask someone at a party if he believes in God. It’s also not done, I think, because for some people answering yes or no might be embarrassing. Most people brought up in a Christian home call themselves Christians. They really haven’t given much thought to why that is.

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Readers respond to Bob Jones


let's say you are a news fanatic (like me) and "Desperate Housewives" is not your first choice for viewing pleasure. Where would you go?

I posed that question to local documentary filmmaker and online TV entrepreneur, Edgy Lee. Without dropping a beat, Edgy enthusiastically replied "LinkTV."

"This illustrates one of the best things about the evolving Internet," said Edgy. "You get world news with a point of view that's just not available on network television. And the music is the best."

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Kam Bowl

After nearly 50 years in business, Kam Bowl, the popular lanes near the Kamehameha Shopping Center in Kalihi, will close next week because it has lost its lease.

That puts its regulars in a bit of a bind. The closure will leave only four public alleys left on Oahu, and one of them, Waialae Bowl in Kahala, will close in February, its owner says.

Meanwhile, the Kapiolani Coffee Shop, which is in the bowling alley on School Street, will close June 28, but reopen a little more than a mile away at City Square on Dillingham Boulevard to serve up its popular oxtail soup.

Monday, June 18, 2007

What to Do When You Lose Your Wallet

Missing wallets can, unfortunately, mean that thieves are fast at work. Here's a quick guide on how to foil the bad guys (and save yourself a big headache).