Tuesday, July 29, 2014

foods you shouldn't refrigerate

There are tons of food that actually stay better and taste better when they are stored at room temperature instead of the refrigerator. When I saw this list I couldn't believe my eyes, I have been storing so many food wrong this entire time!

So, without further adieu, here is a list of just some of the foods that you should never store in the refrigerator, according to Reviewed.com.

#1 Potatoes

Potatoes should always be stored at room temperature because having them chill in a refrigerator actually causes the starches to turn into sugar, which not only affects the flavor, but also the color.

#2 Garlic

If you leave garlic bulbs out on the counter it will last for about two months. If you refrigerate it, some say, it will make them sprout prematurely.

#3 Avocados

There is a trick to finding the perfect avocado in the grocery story, so when you find the one that is almost ripe, you don’t want to do anything to mess that up. Tossing it in the fridge might seem like a good idea, but avocados will not ripen if refridgerated. Meaning, that almost perfect delight will never reach pure satisfaction. Always leave it out until it’s ready to eat!

#4 Tomatoes

The colder temps in the fridge actually break down the skin of the tomato, causing it to get a little, well, mushy and kind of gross. They should always be stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight.

#5 Melons

Fresh melon should always be stored on the kitchen counter, the only time you should ever store it in the fridge is after you cut it up.

#6 Hot Sauces

Ok, so not every single bottle of hot sauce can stay on the counter, but it’s the ones that are vinegar-based, like Tabasco sauce, that you can leave out. When in doubt, read the label, but in most cases storing hot sauces in the fridge isn’t bad, but it will weaken the flavor and change the texture.

#7 Peanut Butter

Yes, all-natural peanut butter always has to be refrigerator. You know, the kind that you need to stir before you serve, but commercial peanut butter, brands like JIF, Skippy, or Peter Pan can sit in your pantry for months without any problems.

-- via facebook

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