Sunday, March 29, 2015

diet vs. diet

After being impressed after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (on Netflix, Hulu, and elsewhere), I watched Forks over Knives which advocates a plant-based diet.

Convinced by watching a movie?  Well, not so fast.  Found on hulu was The Perfect Human Diet which touts the Paleo Diet.

Confused?  Well here's a review...

There is no question, that the 2012 documentary, The Perfect Human Diet, wants you to think that it's the antithesis to the 2011 documentary Forks Over Knives. The Perfect Human Diet even plays off of the Forks Over Knives movie poster, except the fork has pierced a slice of steak.

Additionally, the movies would seem opposed, one exulting the benefits of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and the other promoting meat as essential to the human diet. However, after viewing both movies, I feel that they have one big similarity that probably hits harder at the obesity epidemic, than whether an individual decides to consume meat.

Both movies went back and forth over the meat issue. However, both also brought up the need for the elimination of processed foods. This is what struck a chord with me. Neither film had me convinced on the meat issue, but processed foods are clearly bad and we all know it, this is the discussion that we need to be having.

[for more read on at the website]

[3/30/15] This Forks Over Knives testimonial seems convincing.  Maybe I should watch the extended interviews.

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