Wednesday, November 29, 2006

United States and the environment

[11/29/06] WHEN the subject is global warming, America is usually cast as the villain. Although it produces a quarter of the greenhouse gases that are heating the planet, it refuses to regulate them. When many other countries agreed on an international treaty to do so—the Kyoto Protocol—America failed to ratify it. But not all American officialdom is happy with the federal government’s stance. A dozen states disagree so fiercely they are suing to force it to impose rules on emissions of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas.

[11/14/06] Sweden, Britain and Denmark are doing the most to protect against climate change, but their efforts are not nearly enough, according to a report released Monday by environmental groups.

The United States the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases ranked at 53, with only China, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia doing worse.

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