Saturday, September 23, 2017

cleaning grout

[9/23/17] The grout on the floor outside the bathtub looks pretty filthy.  Well, I guess the grout in a lot of other places in my house look pretty filthy.

So added to my list: clean the grout.

My first attempt was to use vinegar.

I sprayed the area, let it sit for like an hour, and scrubbed with an old toothbrush.

Sure enough, some brown stuff came off on the toothbrush.  But there was still a dark brown area on the grout that remained dirty.

Next I tried some old Tilex that I had tried earlier on the bathtub that didn't do all that great, but since it was sitting on my bathtub, I tried that.

Once again, brown stuff came off on the brush.  But a small brown spot remained.  It looked even cleaner than the vinegar, so I guess it at least partially works.  But still trying to get the stubbor brown spots out.

[9/24/17] Next on my cleaners to try was Awesome that my sister gave me years ago.  I guess the full name is La's Totally Awesome.  You can buy it on Amazon but you can get it cheaper if you can find it at your local dollar store (apparently not available around her anymore?)

Anyway, I sprayed a dirty section and sprayed that brown spot that withstood the vinegar and Tilex.  After some scrubbing with the toothbrush, the brown disappeared!  So I'd say Awesome is the winner!

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