Wednesday, August 17, 2022

lower your cholesterol

[6/1/14] After not going to the doctor for a checkup for like 15 years, I find out I have high cholesterol.  Well, I may have had high cholesterol the last time I tested, but I forget.  Anyway, here's some foods that may lower your cholesterol.

While nobody would intentionally clog their own arteries, it’s easy to do just that with the foods you choose to eat or not eat. Nibbling on hot dogs, full-fat cheese, or donuts can boost unhealthy, artery-damaging LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Grilling and dining on salmon, on the other hand, can raise the “good” or HDL (high-density lipoprotein) levels.

While most varieties of nuts boast health benefits, the unique fat make-up of walnuts makes them particularly helpful when it comes to lowering cholesterol. Rich in polyunsaturated fats and the only nut source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are a star food for cardiovascular health. Harvard researchers found that adding walnuts to the daily diet, even for the short term, creates dramatic drops in cholesterol.

Steel-Cut Oats
Of all the whole grains, oats sport the highest amount of soluble fiber. And studies show that just five to 10 grams of this soluble fiber can lower both total cholesterol and LDL or “bad” cholesterol. Does it matter what type of oats you eat? Probably not when it comes to soluble fiber. But steel cut oats have the lowest glycemic index because they’re processed the least.

High levels of omega-3 fatty acids, or what researchers refer to as fish oils, make salmon a shoe-in when it comes to improving levels of HDL, or “good” cholesterol. In a study from the Western Human Nutrition Research Center, HDL levels shot up 10% when volunteers (all with normal lipid levels) ate a salmon-rich diet for 20 days.

Olive Oil
Rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, olive oil is always a good choice in healthy cooking. And so nutritionists and cardiologists have long encouraged using it in place of butter and other animal fats. Yet newer studies suggest the oil contains a powerful mix of antioxidants that can lower LDL, or “bad” cholesterol. When possible, opt for the extra-virgin variety; minimal processing helps keep more of its antioxidants intact.

Limiting Foods that Cause Cholesterol
If you want any or all of these cholesterol-lowering foods to do their job effectively, it makes sense to also limit foods that can raise cholesterol. On that list: any animal products with large amounts of saturated fat, including whole milk, ice cream, and fatty red meats. It also includes processed foods (donuts, chips) that contain harmful trans fats, aka partially hydrogenated oils. A two-pronged effort of including foods that lower cholesterol and limiting foods that raise it will put cholesterol numbers into a healthy range.


Lower Your Cholesterol

Ours is a pill-popping culture, so it’s no surprise the default method for lowering high cholesterol levels is usually medicinal. Drugs are readily available. They’re effective. And the pill approach requires very little effort. Yet studies show that diet and lifestyle changes can be as or even more powerful than many drugs. Better yet, these natural methods help lower heart disease risk without negative side effects. Employ one (or all five) of these strategies and chances are cholesterol numbers will improve. Already taking cholesterol-lowering meds? These changes can enhance a drug’s effectiveness.

The ultimate goal: total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl; 100 mg/dl or less for LDL or "bad" cholesterol, and 40 mg/dl or higher for HDL or "good" cholesterol.

1. Get Moving

Hop on a bike. Walk around the neighborhood every day. Lift weights. Try dancing or kickboxing your way through an aerobic workout. Studies confirm that moderate intensity activity on an almost daily basis (yes, we mean exercising) can reduce cholesterol levels 10 to 20 percent. It also boosts levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol.

One more thing: Get a doctor's O.K. if you've been inactive. Otherwise, the American Council on Exercise recommends starting out with 20 minutes of moderate intensity walking four days per week. Build up to one hour of walk-jogging (aerobic classes) six to seven days per week. Find routines to get you started with our Ultimate Move Finder.

2: Eat More Fiber

Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is important to health for a lot of reasons. But when it comes to lowering cholesterol levels, soluble fiber, the kind found in oats, apples, and barley, is most adept. Studies suggest at least 3 grams of soluble fiber is needed. Start with a half cup of either oats (2 grams soluble fiber), black beans (2.4 grams), or Brussels sprouts (2 grams). Other good sources: sweet potatoes, asparagus, turnips, citrus fruits, peas, and strawberries. Starting your morning with a bowl of oatmeal, like this version with apples, hazelnuts, and flaxseed is always a heart-healthy, fiber-filled way to start your day.

One more thing: To reap the most benefits from soluble fiber make it part of a diet low in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol, says the American Heart Association.

3. Lose Weight

If you're already implementing the first two strategies (exercise and fiber), numbers on the scale may already be dropping. If not, make a concerted effort to lose weight since studies show that losing even as little as five to ten pounds can lower total cholesterol levels dramatically. Not overweight? Concentrate efforts on maintaining a healthy weight.

One more thing: For long-term success with weight loss, the Mayo Clinic suggests making small, sustainable changes. Slowly work more activity into your daily routine. Bring a healthy lunch from home instead of eating out. It all adds up.

4. Focus On Good Fats

Peanut butter, nuts, olive oil, and fats found in fish, avocados, and plant foods don't raise blood cholesterol levels and in some cases even help to lower them. The hitch: some of these good fats are high calorie, so eat them in moderation. What to limit or avoid? Artery-clogging saturated fats (red meat, butter) and trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils). Oh, and keep in mind that it's healthier to replace those harmful saturated fats with small amounts of good fats rather than with carbs.

One more thing: Missing butter? Try cholesterol-lowering spreads like Benecol® or Take Control® that block the body's absorption of cholesterol.

5. Drink Red Wine or Tea

Studies confirm red wine raises levels of HDL or "good" cholesterol. It doesn't hurt either, according to a 2010 review from the Journal of Cardiovascular Research, that wine is rich in antioxidants (quercetin, resveratrol, proanthocyanidines), which protect the heart by decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress. If you imbibe, the American Heart Association advises women put a limit on alcohol to one drink (one 5 ounce glass of wine) per day and up to two drinks per day for men.

One more thing: Don't drink? This isn't a call to start; these same antioxidant compounds can be found in grape juice, green tea, and many fruits and vegetables.

More Cholesterol-Lowering Tips

Spoiler alert: While diet and lifestyle changes can promote dramatic drops in cholesterol for many folks, sometimes they don't do the trick, particularly in people with a genetic disposition for high cholesterol levels. If that's the case, a doctor can prescribe medications (probably less of them if you're being scrupulous about diet and exercise) to bridge the gap. Also important, if you're a smoker, quit smoking. Studies on smoking suggest mixed results with smoking raising LDL levels in some studies and having little impact in others. Yet there is no doubt that smoking is a strong risk factor for heart disease.

*** [8/17/22]

Nine foods that lower cholesterol

New research continues to shape our knowledge when it comes to heart health, cholesterol, and diet. This means that recommendations evolve — and they change slowly too. It can leave each of us wondering what foods are really best for lowering cholesterol and blood lipids. Can oats really improve your heart health? Can beans protect your ticker?

We're simplifying the science by sharing nine foods that research suggests (and continues to support) naturally lower cholesterol. Check them out, and then look for ways to incorporate a few into your favorite heart-healthy recipes.

1. Lima Beans

A half cup of lima beans packs in 6.5 grams of total fiber; soluble fiber makes up over half of that. This is key since soluble fiber decreases total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL — the "bad" kind) cholesterol levels by forming a gel in the intestines to block fat and cholesterol absorption. Not a lima bean fan? That's OK. All beans and peas contain some soluble fiber, so aim to get at least three cups of beans and peas each week. Search our best lima beans recipes.

2. Pears

Pectin is a type of soluble fiber found predominantly in the skin and flesh of fruit, and it's one of the reasons that recommendations advise eating fruit, rather than drinking it. While all fruits have pectin, pears are at the top. One medium pear boasts two grams of soluble fiber and four grams of total fiber. The next best is a medium orange or a grapefruit half which has has two grams soluble fiber and two to three grams total fiber. Pears are also one of 10 foods that help you poop.

3. Steel-Cut or Rolled Oats

Eating a bowl of oatmeal made from less processed oats is one of the best ways to start your day to lower cholesterol. This is because oats are rich in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber found primarily in oats and barley. Beta-glucan is particularly powerful at lowering total and LDL cholesterol levels. To get the most benefit, skip instant oats, and opt for whole oats that are labeled steel-cut or rolled. These oatmeal recipes will mix up your morning routine.

4. Salmon and Tuna

Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids found primarily in fish work to lower triglycerides and may even increase high-density lipoproteins (HDL or "good") cholesterol. These omega-3s also slow the progression of plaque build-up in arteries thanks to their anti-inflammatory effects. That's another reason why health recommendations advise eating two to three servings of omega-3-rich fish a week. Good sources that are also low in mercury include salmon, canned light tuna, catfish, pollock, sardines, and anchovies.

5. Edamame

Edamame or immature soybeans are an easy and delicious way to work more soy into your diet. This is important because soybeans contain isoflavones. Research suggests these compounds lend a powerful hand to potentially lowering cholesterol, especially when compared to non-soy legumes and beans. Eat them steamed straight from the pod or shelled, seasoned and toasted. Another route to get more soy is to incorporate tofu into your diet in place of animal proteins.

6. Walnuts

Swapping your regular afternoon snack for one to two ounces of nuts each day not only decreases heart disease risk, but it also improves cholesterol numbers. In fact, numerous studies suggest that eating a nut like walnuts each day significantly reduces both total and LDL cholesterol. Partial to another nut? Tree nuts like almonds and pistachios, as well as peanuts, appear to offer similar cholesterol-lowering benefits.

7. Brussels Sprouts

Even if they're not your favorite, adding Brussels sprouts to your plate isn't a bad idea. These cruciferous vegetables offer three grams of soluble fiber and 4.5 grams of total fiber per half cup, which assist in pulling down cholesterol numbers. In addition, they're a great source of antioxidant compounds that may help prevent LDL oxidation. For those who aren't a fan of the veggie at all, choose another cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, cauliflower, or kale.

8. Avocado

Cutting back on total fat may have been the focus in past decades, but today we know that it is the type of fat that matters most when it comes to reducing heart disease risk. And avocados are a great way to add healthy, monounsaturated fats since they are also rich in fiber and the antioxidant Vitamin E. Slice or cube ripe avocado to add to a sandwich or salad; mash it to use as a spread in place of mayo or make a quick guacamole.

9. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are one of the best sources of plant lignans, a unique type of fiber that's not widespread in foods, as well as bioactive polyphenols and an omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Incorporating a little flax seed is considered one of the most beneficial foods to add for heart health to improve lipids because of this powerful nutrient combination. Unsure how to add it or what to do with it? Try sprinkling a little ground into smoothies or hot oatmeal.

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