Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wally Amos: Be Positive

Focus on what really matters

Recently I've been seeking an answer to the question "What really matters?" The e-mail below, from my friend Barbara Stewart, answers that question. I share it with her permission.

While officiating a track-and-field meet at a school in Rochester, New York, I watched a talented young triple jumper take off from the toe board and suffer the most horrific accident. There was a noise like a gunshot and she pitched forward in agony. She fell onto the runway, her leg destroyed and useless. She remained immobilized on the runway for nearly an hour, until they could move her to the hospital.

For her, it was excruciating pain and a traumatic event that changed the course of her life forever. For the rest of the athletes and personnel, it was a shocking reminder of how fragile life can be - one moment youth and strength and the next mortality. I was struck by her courage to remain calm, although in obvious agony.

Later I was told she had surgery and would remain in the hospital a few more days. The sharp noises I heard were her Achilles tendon snapping, then her femur fracturing. In my 25 years in track and field, I have never witnessed such a thing. Realistically, she will never again participate at full capacity as an athlete, so she needs to apply her character and abilities to other pursuits. I sent her a card and a book to wish her well.

Now comes the most coincidental part. I suddenly experienced extreme pain in my leg. I was sent immediately to the hospital for surgery on a massive, life-threatening blood clot in my leg. My life path, too is forever altered. I am reminded each day and each hour of the wonder and gratitude in each moment of life. Now I must continue to use it wisely.

I later had further news of unfavorable hospital test results, which momentarily unfocused my attention. Once again, I was reminded of what matters. The mail brought this incredible thank-you note from the athlete.

She wrote, "Wow! Your gift caught me off-guard because I wasn't expecting it. Thank you so much! My leg is getting better every day and I cannot wait to walk again. The fact that you didn't even know me but saw all of these positive qualities in me and thought enough about me to send me a card and a book is really touching and inspires me to do bigger and better things. As long as there are people like you in the world, I know it'll be OK. I've been walking. They told me six to eight weeks. I did it in five!"

This outstanding young woman has all the elements for success in life. Indomitable spirit, talent and excellent skills in literacy. Above all, she has awareness of others outside herself. What more could we ask for in the next generations?

I am having a positive day, remembering what matters.

-- The Costco Connection, July 2007

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