Friday, February 26, 2010


I think it's quite likely I'm going to get a new TV this year (any week now). Which should mean Blu-Ray DVDs to quickly follow.

What movies to get? I'm thinking of getting some of my favorite movies that I think would display nicely on Blu-Ray. (Not that I'm going to actually take the time to sit down and watch the whole movie again. It'll probably be like when I bought the DVDs of the movies I already had on VHS.)

Anyway, looks like a good place to for reviews of Blu-Ray movies. [So are High-Def Digest and good ole' dvdtalk.] Here's my preliminary list.

1. The Matrix
2. Independence Day
3. Kung Fu Hustle
4. Planet Earth - if nothing else, but to show off the TV and the Blu-Ray player.

[added 3/5/10]
5. Live Free or Die Hard - I recorded this from cable which was the full-screen PG-13 version but wouldn't mind getting the Blu-Ray. The Blu-Ray version is also the PG-13 version and not the unrated version out on DVD. Which is fine with me.

[5/27/10 - I saw at WalMart yesterday, Live Free or Die Hard with BOTH the PG-13 and unrated versions on it. Plus it was only $7.50. I was tempted, but I'll think I'll hold out for the Blu-Ray version on dvdswap. There were new editions of this movie that came out last month (4/13/10) and I'm guessing maybe these editions now contain both versions of the movie. Well, here's one reference that says both versions are included though the title still says unrated widescreen version.]

[4/19/11 - Here's a page detailing the differences between the PG-13 and Unrated version. I saw this page before (or one like it), but couldn't find it again until now. (Searched for Live Free or Die Hard PG-13)]

On a related note, I might not mind getting a censored version of Blade Trinity either, another movie I also kind of liked, though most critics didn't like it. The IGN review is one of the few favorable ones. I have the unrated DVD. There are indeed two versions of the Blade Trinity DVD: Unrated and Not Unrated, but the movie, unlike Life Free or Die Hard, is an R-rated movie. So maybe not.

[6/2/10] After wasting away much of the day trying to figure out what else to buy on Amazon (besides the motion light -- so I can get free shipping), I decided to buy a WaterPik for my failing teeth. But I really considered getting The Dark Knight which is selling for less than ten bucks and gets excellent reviews. Then later, I looked at a whole bunch of one-star reviews for Up (because the plain DVD has no extras or subtitles). On the other hand, the Blu-Ray mostly gets rave reviews (except for some having DRM problems).

[5/5/13] I saw the LFODH DVD at BookOff (on 4/10/13).  But it was $7 instead of $3 so naturally I didn't get it.  But I did write down the UPC code 02454347616020.  So maybe I can get it at swapadvd.  But I think they might have the same UPC code for both the unrated version DVD and the DVD version with both.  That was the case with the Buddy Holly Story where they had the same UPC code for both the full-screen version and the full-screen and wide-screen flipper version.

Nope, didn't come up in the search at swapadvd.  But I see there's a lot of bar codes for the movie. If I take out the 20 at the end, I get the Unrated edition, which might be the right one.  Clicking on the Amazon link shows the unrated cover, but the information states PG-13.

[11/5/13 more bar codes from a slip of paper from I don't know where]
024543838203 (Blu-Ray)

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