Friday, November 06, 2009

How to Live Forever

Hawaii International Film Festival attendees should take note of a new documentary -- submitted after deadline and therefore not part of the print program. "How to Live Forever" screens at 6 p.m. Sunday, and is an intriguing exploration of health and longevity by veteran filmmaker and photojournalist Mark Wexler, who will be available for a question-and-answer session following the screening.

The Los Angeles-based Wexler spent three years interviewing several dozen people over 100 years old (including the oldest woman, who was 115), and visiting "longevity hot spots." Inspired by his mother's death and the arrival of his own AARP card, Wexler began contemplating the question in the minds of many people tiptoeing into middle age: "Is this all there is? Will there be more?" Throughout the film, he explores the benefits -- or detriments -- to society now that technology can extend human life significantly.

Everyone who lives a long time, and remains healthy doing it, is optimistic and possesses a sense of humor. "A lot of it, in the end, is attitude," Wexler said from his home in Los Angeles. Indeed, your belief systems may have as much effect on your longevity as your cholesterol levels.

It's hard not to listen when 94-year-old fitness legend Jack Lalanne walks through his gym and says, "This is where I take care of the most important person on this Earth ... me! I work out for two hours a day. Jack LaLanne can't afford to die; it would wreck my image!" And later in the clip: "The good old days are this second! Who makes it happen? You!"

Learn more about the film at ...

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