Saturday, August 11, 2007

Jack Kirby revived

And now, 40 years later and 13 years after his death, the "Fourth Universe" is seeing the light of day again in swelligant new printings by DC. The first volume of "Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus" collects his first works for the company when he, of all things, reinvented the lame also-ran title "Jimmy Olsen -- Superman's Pal" as a parable of the shifting forces of nature and destiny, played out in startling, vivid style. It was dense, packed comics-izations, like eating a whole pizza.

The book and Kirby's work gets the full treatment here, and the printing is extraordinarily good. DC must have kept the original artwork. The colors are so densely printed they seem as solid as poster paints.

The book is not just a blast from the past, but a blast of the future.

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