Wednesday, January 29, 2025

my health journey

1/29/25 - Is fruit bad for you?

1/3/25 - Mediterranean Diet ranked #1 again

1/3/25 - Surgeon General calling for new warnings on labels of alcoholic drinks

12/28/24 - Health benefits of cherries

12/27/24 - USDA suggests replacing meat with beans

12/11/24 - Voo to be happy

12/5/24 - Dark chocolate may be beneficial to your health

11/19/24 - 10 Natural Methods to Increase Serotonin Levels

11/5/24 - Two traits centenarians share

11/4/24 - Six tips to boost your mood

10/28/24 - Health(ier) junk food

9/30/24 - 15 daily habits of successful people

9/23/24 - 15 simple lifestyle changes

9/21/24 - what makes a good life?  Make friends, keep friends, treasure friends.

9/15/24 - Cardiologists avoid these foods: red meat, white bread, instant ramen, salt, processed meats, chips, energy drinks, diet soda, cereal

9/11/24 - The healthiest people in the world play this sport

9/1/24 - 1 simple thing could help you live longer

8/16/24 - 5 Foods to Eat to Help Manage Your Cholesterol: oats, fatty fish, nuts, legumes, avocados

7/22/24 - food and inflammation

7/20/24 - health benefits of grapes

7/15/24 - Is red wine good for you?  yes yes maybe yes and no maybe questionable no

7/14/24 - How to store apples

7/13/24 - worst foods for your brain

7/9/24 - 10,000 steps?

6/25/24 - Is fish oil beneficial?

6/25/24 - Foods for clean arteries

6/22/24 - Wisdom From People Who Lived to Be 100

6/22/24 - 12 New Habits to Reinvent Your Health: sleep, walk, read, meditate, nature, foods, water, alcohol, smoking, socialize, electronics, hobby

6/22/24 - Type 2 diabetes is closely linked to being overweight or obese.

Losing weight and adopting healthier eating habits can have a significant impact on the progression of the disease.

Some of the most effective dietary strategies for putting type 2 diabetes into remission include:

Low-carbohydrate diets: Reducing carbohydrate intake can help lower blood sugar levels and insulin demand. A low-carb diet minimizes the consumption of bread, pasta, rice, and sugary foods.

Calorie restriction: Consume fewer calories by cutting back on portion sizes and avoiding high-calorie, low-nutrient foods like processed snacks, fast food, and sugary drinks.

Intermittent fasting: This dietary approach involves controlled periods of fasting. There are many different methods, such as the 16/8 method (fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour window) or the 5:2 method (eating normally for five days a week and restricting calories to about 500-600 for two non-consecutive days).

Mediterranean diet: This diet is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats (such as olive oil), and low in processed foods and added sugars. A Mediterranean diet can help improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.

Plant-based diets: This dietary approach focuses on consuming whole, plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, while minimizing or eliminating fatty animal products, such as red meat and processed meats.

6/12/24 - A far better idea is to store your apples in your refrigerator. But don’t just toss them on the shelf next to the milk and Tupperware leftovers; place your apples in the crisper bin, where they can last for — wait for it — up to 10 times as long as they would on your counter.

5/29/24 - There's no real scientific evidence to show that you need to bathe or shower after a certain period of time — it's mostly a matter of personal preference, Dr. Angela Lamb, director of the Westside Mount Sinai Dermatology Faculty Practice tells Shop TODAY.

5/27/24 - According to [Stephanie] Harrison, based on the available research, happiness actually impacts longevity a lot more than we might realize.

"Some of the most compelling research into happiness and longevity comes from the Harvard Grant study, one of the longest-term studies that followed a group of men for over eighty years," Harrison tells Parade. "Researchers discovered that good relationships are strongly correlated with physical health and well-being."

5/6/24 - NEW YORK, May 6 (UPI) -- Consuming olive oil could help reduce the risk of dying from dementia, regardless of overall diet quality, a new study of U.S. adults suggests.

"Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and contains compounds with antioxidant activity that may play a protective role for the brain," the study's lead author, Anne-Julie Tessier, a registered dietitian and research associate at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, told UPI via email.

In a Mediterranean diet, olive oil "appears to have a beneficial effect against cognitive decline," said Tessier, who has a doctorate in human nutrition. "Higher olive oil intake was previously associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality, but its association with dementia mortality was unknown."

Researchers evaluated olive oil intake every four years with a food frequency questionnaire. They categorized consumption as never or less than once per month; greater than 0 to less than or equal to 4.5 grams per day; greater than 4.5 grams per day to less than or equal to 7 grams per day; and greater than 7 grams per day.

During a 28-year follow-up, 4,751 dementia-related deaths occurred. People who inherited from both parents the apolipoprotein ε4 (APOE ε4) allele -- a risk gene tied to late-onset Alzheimer's disease -- were five to nine times more likely to die from dementia, the study showed.

Meanwhile, adults who consumed at least 7 grams of olive oil per day, or half of one tablespoon, had a 28% lower risk of dementia-related death compared with those who never or rarely ingested olive oil. The results held steady after the researchers adjusted for APOE ε4.

3/6/24 - Eye exercises

3/5/24 - Brush teeth before breakfast

2/6/24 - whole wheat bread and diabetes: "Whole-wheat can have positive effect on blood parameters, such as blood sugar and fat profiles, in patients with diabetic."

11/14/23 - If you want to live a long, healthy life, there's good evidence that a healthy diet with enough fiber is key. 

Foods rich in fiber, including plenty of carbohydrates, are featured prominently in diets in the Blue Zones, areas of the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives.

10/19/23 - Pressed juice contains almost all the nutrients of full fruits and vegetables, minus one particularly good vitamin: fiber. When the fruits and vegetables are pressed, they lose the fiber that makes them crunchy or chewy.

10/9/23 - This article mentions that pistachios can help lower blood sugar.  These article from Healthline and this article from A1Cguide have more details.  I think I'll buy some pistachios from Costco as my net nut snack.  At first I was buying mixed nuts, then lately cashews.  This article mentions that cashews might be good for cholesterol while not raising glucose levels.  While this article says that cashews may be beneficial.

8/28/23 - Saw Barramundi (a type a fish) on sale at Costco, so I'm trying it out instead of my usual salmon.  Is it any good?  Here's what WebMD says, "Barramundi is a healthy type of fish to start including in your diet. It's nutritious sea bass with great texture, taste, and nutrition. 

Barramundi is low in fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids, making it a great source of essential nutrients. Some consider barramundi one of the healthiest seafoods. This fish is great for your cardiovascular system.

... Barramundi is sea bass with moist flesh and large flakes. It has a sweet taste that makes it easily adaptable for most recipes. Barramundi complements most flavors and recipes. You can cook it in most ways except for poaching. The barramundi is a versatile fish and is a good alternative to salmon due to its nutrition and sustainability."

8/8/23 - What about eggs?  This article from Cyrus Khambatta, PhD says "Eating eggs increases your risk for the development of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, diabetes complications, and all-cause mortality. To maintain a low risk for these conditions, limit your egg consumption as much as possible."

7/13/23 - Interested in knowing the differences between a DASH diet vs. a Mediterranean diet? Both can offer the same types of heart and cardiovascular health benefits. But they both have their own unique differentiations as well!

This article will discuss the differences between a DASH diet vs. Mediterranean diet, their benefits, and how to decide which would be better for you!

6/21/23 - Certain foods, like oatmeal, nuts, and fatty fish, help to keep your cholesterol levels in check. And not all high cholesterol foods are bad for you. For example, eggs are high in cholesterol, but they’re also packed with protein and other nutrients. It’s the foods that are high in saturated fat that you need to worry about, because they can raise your cholesterol levels AND make you gain weight.

What are the worst foods for high cholesterol? Red meat, fried foods, and baked goods are notorious for raising levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the sticky kind that builds up in artery walls.

6/20/23 - Unlike many other foods that are high in carbohydrates, black beans don’t cause a spike in blood sugar. Studies have actually found the opposite. When people eat black beans with rice, their blood sugar levels tend to be lower than if they only ate rice. For people with diabetes, adding beans to a healthy diet can improve blood sugar control while reducing heart disease risk.

6/19/23 -  Due to increasing research around celery and celery juice, many nutritional experts consider celery to be a superfood. Like many superfoods, celery packs a nutrient-dense punch and offers a long list of both short and long-term health benefits despite being a common, everyday food item.

Many of the specific nutrients looked for in superfoods include fiber, antioxidants, and fatty acids, which are all closely linked to good health and longevity. Other superfoods include avocados, leafy greens, berries, and cinnamon.

6/18/23 -  Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for maintaining good heart health. They help lower triglycerides, reduce inflammation, and prevent the formation of blood clots, all of which can reduce the risk of heart disease. Omega-3s also help lower blood pressure, which is another significant risk factor for heart disease. Therefore, if you have a history of heart disease or are at risk for developing it, taking Omega-3 supplements every day could be beneficial.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

‘Weird’ Habits Of People Who Live To 100+ Years Old

The animal kingdom has a lot to say about the things that can keep us alive longer than we deserve. Take the story of the longest living trapdoor spider, who survived in the Australian outback to the ripe age of 43. Her secret? She stayed in her same burrow for her entire life and subsisted on an austere diet of small insects she would ambush via one of her trap door entrances.

Or, consider the Greenland shark–the longest living vertebrate known to science, capable of living up to 500 years. The Greenland shark cruises the depths of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, preferring to subsist in near-freezing waters where it can keep its metabolism slow. Its diet consists of cold water fish such as cod, herring, salmon and halibut. It has also been known to scavenge the carcasses of marine mammals, including seals and whales. Importantly, it prefers a slow and deliberate hunting style–relying primarily on its keen sense of smell–which allows it to conserve energy.

Some humans have learned to embrace the slow and simple lives of the longevity champions of the animal kingdom. For instance, the famous “blue zone” research, conducted by Dan Buettner and Sam Skemp, which studied regions with the highest concentration of centenarians (people who live to 100 or beyond), found that lifestyle plays a critical role in longevity and overall health. These areas share common habits that contribute to longer, healthier lives, including:

Diet. People in blue zones eat predominantly plant-based, with an emphasis on vegetables, beans, whole grains, and nuts. Meat is eaten sparingly, often as a small portion in meals. Foods are minimally processed and often locally sourced.

Regular physical activity. Daily, natural movement is important, such as walking, gardening, or other non-sedentary tasks. Exercise is not typically formal but embedded into daily routines.

Strong social connections. Family and community bonds are prioritized, and people actively participate in social networks that support one another emotionally and practically.

Sense of purpose. Known as ikigai in Japan and plan de vida in Costa Rica, having a reason to wake up every day contributes to mental and emotional health.

Stress reduction. People in blue zones incorporate daily rituals to reduce stress, like prayer, naps, or time with loved ones.

Faith or spiritual practices. Many centenarians belong to faith-based communities, which provide a sense of belonging and regular practices that reduce stress.

Environment. Environments in these areas encourage movement and social interaction. Access to nature and limited exposure to harmful influences, like pollution or high crime, contribute to well-being.

While blue zone research may offer longevity’s most tried and true playbook, others have found their own way to make it to 100 years old. Here are a few stories that prove that there’s more than one lifestyle that can make a centenarian.

Jeanne Calment - The World’s Oldest Person

The daily routine of France’s Jeanne Calment, the world's longest-living verified person at 122 years old, went something like this: She requested to be woken up at 6:45 a.m. each day by nursing home staff and began her mornings with prayer. Seated in her armchair, she would do light exercises, wearing a stereo headset. Her routine included stretching and flexing her hands and legs. For breakfast, she typically had coffee with milk and rusks.

She washed herself independently using a flannel cloth rather than taking a shower. After breakfast, she cleaned her own breakfast dishes before heading to lunch. She had a preference for braised beef and was not fond of boiled fish. She enjoyed dessert with every meal and often remarked that she would prefer fried or spicy foods over the plain options provided. She made her own fruit salads daily, usually with bananas and oranges, and had a particular fondness for chocolate, sometimes consuming up to two pounds in a week. Following her meal, she would have a small glass of port wine and smoke a cigarette.

In the afternoons, she took a two-hour nap in her armchair before visiting neighbors in the care home to share the latest news she had heard on the radio. In the evenings, she ate a quick dinner, returned to her room, and listened to music since her poor eyesight made it difficult to read. She ended her day with one last cigarette before going to bed at 10 p.m.

Violet Brown - Lived To 117 Years Young

Violet Brown, who reached the age of 117, was the first known Jamaican centenarian. She had six children, four of which were still living at the time of her death (Jeanne Calment had only one child). Her diet was varied but she stayed away from chicken, pork and rum–commenting in an interview with the Jamaican Gleaner, “I don’t eat dem tings.”

She also attributes her longevity to her habit of eating three eggs per day, two of them raw.

George Johnson - American, Male, 112

Leave it to an American to live to 112 on a diet that would strike fear in most nutritionists. Supercentenarian George Johnson of Richmond, California–at one point, California’s oldest living person–ate sausage and waffles everyday for breakfast and sometimes for lunch or dinner too. Somehow, all that cholesterol never caught up with him. He died of pneumonia in 2006.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

3 ways to tackle a clutter-filled space


Start from one side of the room and work your way around, organizing one space before moving on to the next.  Lorie and Linda took passes at her kitchen: first using labels to decide what would go where, then moving the contents cabinet by cabinet.


Step one: Clear up your surfaces (counters, tables, dresser tops) to get the most satisfaction for the least effort.  Next, tidy the floors (now you can move around!).  Finally, hit your "insides" (such as drawers) -- an easier chore if there's space to spread out.


Best for collectors like Pam, this method has you take everything out of the storage spot (cupboards, closets) and get it into one place, like the middle of the floor, an adjacent room or the top of a bed, so you're forced to think hard about each item before it goes back in.

Women's Day, June 2013 [posted 5/21/22]


4/14/23 - Ten Genius Organizing Tips

2/12/24 - closet organizing tips (actually not just for closets)

4/3/24 - The Core 4 method

4/28/24 - Marie Kondo quotes

1/4/25 - The Magic Basket method